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01/22/2013 Town Council Minutes
Town of East Hampton
Town Council Regular Meeting
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
East Hampton High School Library


Present:  Chairperson Susan Weintraub, Vice Chairman Glenn Suprono, Council Members Kyle Dostaler, Ted Hintz, Jr., Derek Johnson (arrived 6:37 p.m.) and George Pfaffenbach and Town Manager Michael Maniscalco.

Not Present:  Barbara Moore

Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance
Chairperson Weintraub called the regular meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. in the East Hampton High School Library.

Adoption of Agenda
A motion was made by Mr. Hintz, seconded by Mr. Dostaler, to add the Introduction of the Interim Superintendent of Schools to the agenda.  Voted (5-0).  This item will be added when the Interim Superintendent arrives at the meeting.

Approval of Minutes  
A motion was made by Mr. Hintz, seconded by Mr. Dostaler, to approve the minutes of the Town Council Regular Meeting of January 8, 2013 as amended.  Voted (4-0-1). Mr. Suprono abstained as he was not present at that meeting.

Public Remarks
Mike Rich, 64 Long Crossing Road, asked if there could be input from the audience during the discussion of the Update on the Fire Truck under Continued Business.  He asked about the name and price of the 3rd party consultant for emergency services.  He also commented on the recent article in the Middletown Press. He noted that the article combined comments from the recent Council meeting and an email that was sent and that the tone was not accurate. He apologized for the misconception.

Mr. Johnson arrived at the meeting.

Bids & Contracts
Contract Award for CDBG Grant Assistance
The Town issued a Request for Proposal (RFP) for firms interested in assisting the Town to develop this year’s grant application for the Small Cities program.

A motion was made by Mr. Dostaler, seconded by Mr. Suprono, to award the contract to L. Wagner & Associates to assist the Town in preparing grant applications for the State’s Small Cities Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program and authorize the Town Manager to sign the contract with L. Wagner and Associates to commence work.  Voted (6-0)

Update on Ethics Commission Ordinance
Mr. Maniscalco reported that he met with the Ethics Commission regarding their ordinance and Rules and Procedures.  The Commission would like the Council to make their revisions to the ordinance and then they would make revisions to their Rules and Procedures.  They did note that they would prefer keeping their membership to 5 regular members and 2 alternates rather than 7 full members.  The Town Attorney reviewed the ordinance but would like the Council to make changes to policy first before he makes recommendations.  

Proclamation Honoring Eileen Daily and Gail Hamm
A motion was made by Mr. Hintz, seconded by Mr. Pfaffenbach, to approve the proclamations for Eileen Daily and Gail Hamm.  Voted (6-0).

Adoption of Emergency Management Performance Grant Resolution
This grant from the Department of Emergency Management and Homeland Security allows for reimbursement to towns for some of the costs related to maintaining their Emergency Operations Center.

A motion was made by Mr. Hintz, seconded by Mr. Johnson, to approve the resolution and authorize the Town Manager to execute the Memorandum of Agreement on behalf of the Town for the State of Connecticut Department of Emergency Management and Homeland Security.  Voted (6-0).

Draft Tax Abatement Program Ordinance
Mr. Maniscalco reviewed a draft of the Tax Abatement ordinance.  The Council was asked to provide comments and suggestions on the draft.

Continued Business
Board of Education – Reallocation Requests
Server Room & Underground Wiring/Approval of Bid for Underground Services
Mr. Maniscalco provided an overview of the reallocation requests for the server room and the underground wiring for the Board of Education.  The server room needs rewiring to connect it to the existing High School generator. It was originally thought the server room needed its own generator.  

The Council discussed the wiring needs at the Board of Education office.  They currently have 200 amp service that was knocked off of the building by a truck.  They had requested an increase to 400 amp service and for that service to be underground.  The bids that were received for the project were for 400 amp underground service.  It was decided that the project should be re-bid for 200 amp underground service.

A motion was made by Mr. Hintz, seconded by Mr. Pfaffenbach, to approve the budget transfer for the server room generator wiring project in the amount of $15,000.00.  Voted (6-0).

Update on Fire Truck Progress
Mr. Maniscalco received specifications from the fire truck committee and input was received from the Fire Commission.  He is reviewing the information with Mr. Jylkka and will then send out the bid.  He has been talking with consultants but no one has been hired yet.  Mr. Rich asked if the bid can go out prior to the next Council meeting.  Mr. Maniscalco indicated it can go out as soon as it is done.  

82 Main Street Parking Lot
The Council discussed the options that are available for the parking lot.  The Town Attorney had prepared a memo regarding the allowed and not allowed uses of the lot.  Mr. Maniscalco noted the 12 hour parking signs alleviated the junk vehicles and trailers that had been parked in the lot.   

Update on Interim Police Chief
Mr. Maniscalco reported that the council sub-committee and the executive director of the Police Chief’s association met to discuss the interim chief position.  A posting was distributed last week.  He is hoping to have someone seated by mid-February.  The Council discussed the certification process, interim contracts and clarification regarding State police who may apply.

Development of Procurement Manager Position
Mr. Maniscalco provided an overview of a job description for a Procurement Manager.  He reviewed the work that was previously done by Frank Grzyb, who retired from the Facilities Manager position.  He worked on a great deal of bids and requests for proposals.  The recommendation is to hire a full time Procurement Manager to handle bids, RFP’s and purchasing and hire a part time Facilities Manager.  The Board of Education would also utilize the Procurement Manager. This item will be discussed further at the next meeting.

Introduction of Interim Superintendent of Schools
Mark Winzler, Interim Superintendent of Schools, introduced himself to Council and provided a review of his background.  This is his 5th interim position since retiring.  He has experience in bringing building projects to referendum.

New Business

Town Manager Report
Mr. Maniscalco reported the following:
  • He is meeting with the fire consultant on Wednesday, January 23rd.
  • He attended a public question and answer event with the Lions Club.
  • He will be having monthly unified lake meetings with the Conservation-Lake Commission, Friends of the Lake and the State DEEP.
  • He will be holding monthly Meet the Manager office hours beginning in February.  It will be a three hour period of 15 minute first come-first serve meetings.
Ms. Weintraub asked about a policy regarding safety for town staff and also asked about the open building permits and fines for violations.  

Mr. Dostaler asked about the public hearing for WPCA fees.  He heard they are now questioning whether they need to hold public hearings related to the last nineteen years.

Ms. Weintraub would like to see the monthly number of visitors for the Senior Center on their monthly report.

Mr. Pfaffenbach asked if there was a response to the letter sent to the Chatham Health District regarding the pumping fee.  Mr. Maniscalco noted that some of the board members have issues with the pumping fees.

Liaison Reports
Mr. Dostaler attended the Board of Education meeting.  They will be honoring Gail Hamm in early February.  They are updating their school security manual.

Ms. Weintraub attending the High School Building Committee meeting and public meeting. The presentation was well received by the public.

Board & Commission Liaison Reports

Ms. Moore was present at this time via telephone.

Fire Commission
A motion was made by Mr. Dostaler, seconded by Mr. Suprono, to reappoint Rich Dufour to the Fire Commission with a term through 2015.  Voted (4-0).  Mr. Hintz, Ms. Moore and Mr. Pfaffenbach against.

Mr. Hintz, Mr. Pfaffenbach and Ms. Moore expressed their support of Steve Palmer for the Fire Commission.

Ms. Moore exited the telephone call.

Economic Development Commission
Mr. Maniscalco appointed James Gooch to the Economic Development Commission with a term through December 31, 2013.

Conservation-Lake Commission
Mr. Maniscalco appointed the following members to the Conservation-Lake Commission:
  • Roger Abraham as a full member with a term through June 30, 2015
  • Joe Mercieri will be moved from alternate to a full position with a term through June 30, 2016
  • Martin Podskoch as an alternate with a term through June 30, 2014
Tax Refunds
A motion was made by Mr. Suprono, seconded by Mr. Pfaffenbach, to approve tax refunds in the amount of $1,889.19.  Voted (6-0).  

Public Remarks

Communications, Correspondence & Announcements
Mr. Dostaler attended a Middlesex Chamber of Commerce Public Policy question and answer session.  He noted it was very interesting.

Ms. Weintraub provided an overview of the shadow boxes that have been distributed.

Mr. Maniscalco read a letter from Major General Jimmie J. Wells of the U.S. Army thanking the community for supporting the reservists from East Hampton.

The regular meeting ended at 9:05 p.m.

Executive Session
A motion was made by Mr. Johnson, seconded by Mr. Suprono to enter Executive Session at 9:15 p.m.

Present in Executive Session were Susan Weintraub, Glenn Suprono, Kyle Dostaler, Ted Hintz, Jr., Derek Johnson, George Pfaffenbach and Michael Maniscalco

Discussion of Town Manager’s Six Month Performance Review Process

Executive Session ended at 9:35 p.m.

A motion was made by Mr. Hintz, seconded by Mr. Pfaffenbach to adjourn the meeting at 9:35 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Cathy Sirois
Recording Secretary